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Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Thursday, December 28, 2023

[Video] Mastering the Future: Your 2024 Resolution Blueprint Unveiled

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, the time has come to contemplate our resolutions for 2024. While traditional resolutions like getting in shape or saving money are valuable, let's take a different approach this time. Let's resolve to master the future and embrace the opportunities it holds.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: The pace of change is accelerating, and to thrive in 2024 and beyond, commit to continuous learning. Whether it's acquiring a new skill, exploring emerging technologies, or staying updated with industry trends, knowledge is your greatest asset.

Prioritize Mental Health: Mental well-being is essential. Make self-care a priority. Practice mindfulness, meditate, or seek professional help if needed. A healthy mind is the foundation for a successful future.

Embrace Sustainability: Climate change and environmental concerns demand action. In 2024, adopt sustainable practices in your daily life. Reduce waste, use eco-friendly products, and support businesses that prioritize sustainability.

Build Resilience: Life is unpredictable. Strengthen your resilience by developing problem-solving skills and a positive mindset. Prepare for challenges with grace.

Foster Relationships: Cultivate meaningful connections with family, friends, and colleagues. These relationships are the bedrock of personal and professional success.

Your 2024 resolution blueprint should focus on self-improvement, adaptability, and positive impact. By mastering the future, you'll not only thrive personally but also contribute to a better world. Cheers to a year of growth, resilience, and fulfillment!

Good morning! In the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of desires and material pursuits. However, if you were to distill it down to its essence, true happiness boils down to just two fundamental elements: a healthy body and a calm soul.

A healthy body provides the physical foundation for a joyful life. It enables us to enjoy life's pleasures, pursue our passions, and fulfill our dreams. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep contribute to this aspect of happiness.

Equally vital is a calm soul. Inner peace, mindfulness, and a sense of contentment are the keys to tranquility. Cultivating practices like meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness can help us maintain a serene state of mind amidst life's inevitable challenges.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we must remember that happiness doesn't always reside in external possessions or achievements. Instead, it often flourishes within us when we prioritize the well-being of our body and soul. So, as you start your day, consider nurturing these two essential elements, and you'll be well on your way to a genuinely happy life.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

[Video] Toxicity Kills - Understanding and Addressing Harmful Dynamics at Work and Home

The term "toxicity" has become increasingly prevalent in our everyday vernacular, particularly when discussing the environments we inhabit. While it may conjure images of chemical hazards or pollution, toxicity is not limited to the physical realm; it seeps into the spaces where we spend much of our lives – the workplace and our homes. The effects of a toxic environment can be profound, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the nature of toxicity in interpersonal dynamics, its impacts, and the strategies for detoxifying our work and home environments.

Defining Toxicity in Human Interactions:
Toxicity in human relationships is characterized by behaviors and attitudes that are harmful, manipulative, or oppressive. At work, this may manifest as bullying, overbearing leadership, or a cutthroat culture where unethical behavior is the norm. At home, it might look like persistent negativity, emotional abuse, or dysfunctional communication patterns. In both settings, the result is an atmosphere that drains energy, undermines individual potential, and, if left unaddressed, can lead to serious health issues.

The Impact of Toxicity:
The repercussions of a toxic environment are far-reaching:

Mental Health: Chronic stress from toxic situations can lead to anxiety, depression, and burnout.
Physical Health: The stress response can cause a myriad of physical issues, from headaches and insomnia to heart disease and weakened immunity.
Productivity: Both at home and work, toxicity stifles creativity, decreases motivation, and hampers performance.
Relationships: Personal and professional relationships deteriorate, fostering distrust and conflict.

Recognizing Toxicity:
Before you can address toxicity, you need to recognize it. Warning signs include:

Constant negativity or criticism
Lack of trust and respect
Fear of speaking out or contributing ideas
High turnover or frequent family conflicts
Feelings of being undervalued or unappreciated
Detoxifying the Workplace:

Leadership Training: Organizations must invest in leadership that prioritizes emotional intelligence and creates a supportive, inclusive culture.
Clear Policies: Implement and enforce policies against harassment, bullying, and other toxic behaviors.
Open Communication: Encourage feedback and genuine dialogue about the work environment.
Support Systems: Provide access to mental health resources and ensure employees know how to utilize them.

Detoxifying the Home:

Healthy Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with family members, and respect personal space and individuality.
Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where family members can express their feelings without fear of retribution.
Therapy and Counseling: Seek professional help to navigate and resolve deep-seated issues.
Self-Care: Ensure that each family member understands the importance of self-care and takes the time to nurture their own well-being.


Toxic environments, whether at work or home, can be subtle but deadly. They chip away at our health, happiness, and the very fabric of our daily existence. Recognizing and actively working against toxicity is crucial in cultivating a life that not only is free from harm but also allows us and those around us to thrive. By taking a stand, we can create sanctuaries in our workplaces and homes—spaces that nurture growth, well-being, and peace.

As we move forward, let us be mindful of the environments we create and maintain, ensuring they are healthy, supportive, and life-affirming. Remember, toxicity kills, but awareness and action are the antidotes that bring new life.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

[Video] After Death - From Angel Studios - in Theaters Starting 27th October!


After Death - from Angel Studios - in Theaters from 27th October 2023

From Angel Studios (The Chosen, Sound of Freedom) comes After Death! Get your tickets to see this movie in theaters starting 10/27!

• After Death features interviews with New York Times best-selling authors, doctors, scientists, and near-death survivors including Don Piper (90 Minutes In Heaven), Dr. Mary Neal (To Heaven and Back), John Burke (Imagine Heaven), Dr. Jeffrey Long (Evidence of the Afterlife), and Dr. Raymond Moody (Life After Life).

• See one of life’s biggest questions play out on the big screen!

• What happens when we die? You’re one ticket away from finding out.

• Near death experiences reveal so much. Find out more in theaters on October 27!

• John Burke was a skeptic before he first read about near-death experiences. Now, after researching near-death experiences for over 30 years and interviewing countless people who have gone beyond the veil and back, John is a pastor and an international speaker. Hear more from him in the film After Death, which comes to theaters on October 27.

• You can Pay it Forward to After Death to cover the cost of a movie ticket for someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to see it. When you Pay it Forward, you are part of the first movement in history to share stories that amplify light in this incredible way.

After Death from Angel Studios in Theaters 27th October 2023


Based on the true accounts of New York Times Bestselling authors, survivors give us a peek into life’s biggest question: What happens when we die?


After Death is a gripping feature film that explores what happens after we die, based on real near-death experiences, conveyed by scientists, authors, and survivors. From the New York Times bestselling authors who brought you titles like 90 Minutes in Heaven, Imagine Heaven, and To Heaven and Back, emerges a cinematic peek beyond the veil that examines the spiritual and scientific dimensions of mortality, inviting us to wonder: Is there life after death?


After Death in Theaters from 27th October 2023

• Buy tickets today to see After Death in theaters starting October 27th!

Website: LINK
Pay-It-Forward: LINK
Buy Tickets: LINK
Press Release: LINK

Giveaway: 2 tickets to see the film in theaters. (Note: This is limited to US winners only.)

Many thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own


Official Hashtags: #AfterDeathMIN #AfterDeathMovie #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Monday, October 2, 2023

[Video] Vietnam Tourist Edition 2023 - Cost Of Living for 1 Month (How Much Do You Need?)

How much will it cost to travel to a foreign country for 1 month? Vietnam is the start of our international travels and we aim to find out how costly it is to stay in a different country for 1 month as a tourist. In the past, we only managed, maximum 2.5 weeks, to stay in a country on holiday. That’s because we had full time jobs and annual leave was limited. Now that we are early retired, we are free to travel with no time constraint (apart from visa restrictions, of course).

From the cost of their hotels to how much a data plan costs for a month, this video reveals it all! This video will give you a true insight on how much a typical meal costs in Vietnam to the main attractions that they went to. Curious to see what the grocery prices are like in Vietnam? It is all covered here in this video!

Ever wondered how much are the inter-city train rides in Vietnam? The costs of the tickets are covered as well. Is it expensive to take taxi or Grab in Vietnam? The answers are all in this video. All prices shown are in Vietnamese Dong and converted into USD.

We enjoyed making this video and we hope you enjoy watching it!

With lots of love - Fran and John


00:00 Intro to Vietnam travels
00:43 1. Telecommunications
00:56 2. Accommodation
02:29 3. Transport 03:34 4. Food & Coffee
12:00 5. Groceries
14:02 6. Attractions
16:37 7. Shopping
17:07 8. Others
18:19 How Much We Spend in Vietnam in 1 Month

Sunday, September 24, 2023

[video] Insurance Saving Plan vs Fixed Deposit (Deep Analysis ❗️)

Insurance Saving Plan: A Secure Path to Financial Peace.

In a world filled with uncertainties, having a safety net for your future is paramount. That's where Insurance Saving Plans come into play. These versatile financial tools offer a unique blend of protection and savings, making them a popular choice for those seeking financial security.

Insurance Saving Plans, often referred to as endowment plans, offer a dual benefit. Firstly, they provide a life insurance component, ensuring your loved ones are financially protected in case of the unexpected. Secondly, they serve as a savings vehicle, allowing you to systematically build wealth over time.

With disciplined contributions and attractive returns, Insurance Saving Plans are a prudent way to achieve financial goals like buying a home, funding your child's education, or enjoying a worry-free retirement. Moreover, they offer tax benefits in many regions, making them even more appealing.

These plans are tailor-made to suit your unique needs, offering various policy terms and premium payment options. Whether you're a young professional securing your family's future or a seasoned investor diversifying your portfolio, an Insurance Saving Plan can be a valuable addition.

In a fast-paced world, it's comforting to know that your financial future is safeguarded. Insurance Saving Plans provide peace of mind, ensuring you can look forward to a brighter tomorrow, regardless of life's uncertainties. Start securing your future today with an Insurance Saving Plan that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

[Video] This Song is Dedicated to all the Penang Lang

Steven Bones, a talented and versatile musician, has struck a resonant chord with Penangites through his captivating song dedicated to the vibrant Malaysian state. With a melodic blend of genres and heartfelt lyrics, Bones encapsulates the essence of Penang in his musical creation.

The song masterfully weaves together a tapestry of Penang's rich cultural heritage, lush landscapes, and its warm and welcoming people. Bones' evocative lyrics paint a vivid picture of the bustling streets of George Town, where history and modernity collide, creating an atmosphere that is both nostalgic and forward-looking.

The dedication to Penangites is palpable in the way the song captures their unique way of life – from savoring the tantalizing street food offerings to relishing the idyllic beaches that adorn the coastline. Bones' musical ode serves as a celebration of the unity and diversity that define Penang's identity, resonating deeply with the locals who hold these values close to their hearts.

In an ever-changing world, Steven Bones' song dedicated to Penangites stands as a reminder of the beauty of preserving one's cultural roots while embracing progress. It not only reflects his musical prowess but also his appreciation for the soul of Penang. Through his harmonious creation, Bones has immortalized the spirit of Penang, creating a melody that will continue to serenade generations of Penangites to come.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

[Video] Unlocking the Secrets of Christian Dior's Special Promotion

This video will unlock the secrets of Christian Dior's special promotion. This promotion was incredibly successful, and we will find out how it was done.

If you're interested in fashion and marketing, this video is for you! We will learn how Christian Dior created this successful promotion and how you can apply the same principles to your marketing efforts. By the end of this video, you'll have everything you need to unlock the secrets of Christian Dior's special promotion and make your fashion dreams a reality!

This promotion was a huge success and came down to a little-known trick Christian Dior used to attract customers. By following the tips in this video, you can unlock the secrets of this successful promotion and achieve similar results in your marketing campaigns.

This Youtube "Unlocking the Secrets of Christian Dior's Special Promotion" is a fast and short clip.

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching.


Check out:-

1) Matt Par's Tube Mastery & Monetization: https://cutt.ly/rCvi2cp

2) Pete's Pictory: https://cutt.ly/4CvagkS

3) Diana Tan's eBook: https://cutt.ly/gCvpCyF


Saturday, July 1, 2023

[Video] The Bible Changed My Life - for Myself, Daniel Ally, etc. - The Most Popular Book Worldwide.


The Bible, considered the most popular book worldwide, has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals throughout history. It has provided guidance, comfort, and inspiration to millions, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. In this article, we will explore how the Bible has changed lives and why it continues to be a source of transformation and hope for people from all walks of life.

A Timeless Source of Wisdom:

The Bible stands apart as a timeless source of wisdom, offering guidance and practical insights applicable to various aspects of life. Its moral teachings, such as the Ten Commandments, provide a moral compass for decision-making and personal conduct. The parables and stories within its pages convey profound truths about human nature, relationships, and the pursuit of virtue.

For many, the Bible has served as a guide for navigating life's challenges, offering solace during times of adversity. Its words of encouragement and promises of hope have provided comfort and strength in moments of despair. The Bible's message of love, forgiveness, and redemption has the power to transform lives and foster personal growth.

Impact on Personal Relationships:

The Bible's teachings on love, forgiveness, and compassion have the potential to profoundly impact personal relationships. By embracing the principles outlined in the Bible, individuals can develop healthier and more fulfilling relationships with others. Concepts such as treating others as we would like to be treated (the Golden Rule) and loving our neighbors as ourselves encourage empathy and foster a spirit of kindness.

Moreover, the Bible's teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation have the power to mend broken relationships and promote healing. By embracing forgiveness, individuals can let go of resentment and experience freedom from the burdens of the past.

Inspiration and Purpose:

The Bible serves as a wellspring of inspiration, offering guidance on finding purpose and meaning in life. Its stories of ordinary individuals chosen by God for extraordinary tasks demonstrate the potential within each person to make a positive impact on the world.

Through its narratives, the Bible highlights the importance of faith, perseverance, and hope in the face of adversity. It tells the stories of individuals who overcame immense challenges by trusting in God's promises. Such stories have inspired countless individuals to embark on their own journeys of faith, discovering their unique purpose and calling.

Influence on Society and Culture:

Beyond its impact on individual lives, the Bible has shaped societies and influenced cultures around the globe. Its teachings have played a pivotal role in the development of legal systems, ethical frameworks, and social norms. Many of the principles and values enshrined in modern society find their roots in biblical teachings. Art, literature, and music have also been profoundly influenced by the Bible. Countless artists, writers, and composers have drawn inspiration from its stories and themes, creating masterpieces that continue to resonate with audiences today.


The Bible has stood the test of time as the most popular book worldwide because of its transformative power. Its wisdom, guidance, and inspiration have impacted individuals across generations and cultures. By providing moral guidance, fostering healthy relationships, inspiring purpose, and shaping societies, the Bible has changed lives and continues to be a source of hope for millions. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, the Bible's universal messages of love, forgiveness, and redemption offer valuable lessons that can enrich our lives and help us become better versions of ourselves.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

[Video] Don't Worry, Be Happy: Embracing Positivity in Challenging Times


In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it's easy to get caught up in worry and stress. However, it's important to remember that happiness is not dependent on external circumstances alone. It's a state of mind that we can cultivate, even in the midst of difficulties. So, let's explore why it's crucial to adopt a positive outlook and how we can strive to be happier individuals.

The Power of Positive Thinking:

Numerous studies have shown that positive thinking can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we experience lower stress levels, improved mental health, and better resilience in the face of adversity. By consciously choosing to see the glass as half full, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and solutions.

Embracing Gratitude:

Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool in fostering happiness. Taking the time to appreciate the simple joys and blessings in our lives can shift our perspective from lack to abundance. Whether it's expressing gratitude for the support of loved ones or being thankful for the beauty of nature, cultivating an attitude of gratitude can bring immense joy and contentment.

Living in the Present Moment:

Often, our worries and anxieties stem from dwelling on the past or fearing the future. By learning to live in the present moment, we can free ourselves from unnecessary stress. Mindfulness and meditation are excellent practices that help us cultivate awareness and appreciation for the present, allowing us to find happiness in the here and now.

Nurturing Relationships:

Human connection and meaningful relationships play a vital role in our happiness. Surrounding ourselves with supportive and positive individuals uplifts our spirits and creates a sense of belonging. Investing time and effort in nurturing these relationships can have a profound impact on our overall well-being.


While life may present us with challenges, we have the power to choose how we respond to them. By adopting a positive mindset, embracing gratitude, living in the present moment, and nurturing relationships, we can create a foundation for happiness that transcends external circumstances. So, let's remember the timeless mantra, "Don't worry, be happy," and strive to find joy and contentment in every moment of our lives.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

[Video] Leia: The Naughty, Yet Adorable Pomeranian Who Steals Hearts


When it comes to mischievousness mixed with irresistible charm, look no further than Leia, the adorable Pomeranian who effortlessly captures the hearts of everyone she meets. With her mischievous antics and lovable nature, Leia brings endless joy and laughter to her lucky human companions.

A Ball of Energy:

Leia's petite size belies her boundless energy. Whether it's zooming around the living room, chasing her tail, or playfully pouncing on unsuspecting toys, she is always on the move. Her vivacious spirit keeps everyone on their toes, and her infectious enthusiasm for life is simply contagious.

The Master of Mischief:

Leia's playful nature often gets her into trouble. From unraveling toilet paper rolls to stealthily stealing socks, she is a true master of mischief. No shoe or slipper is safe from her prying paws. But despite the chaos she may leave in her wake, her endearing puppy eyes and wagging tail have a way of melting hearts, making it hard to stay mad at her for long.

A Social Butterfly:

Leia's misadventures extend beyond the confines of her home. She loves nothing more than meeting new people and furry friends at the park. Her friendly nature and wagging tail make her an instant hit with both humans and dogs alike. She brings joy to every gathering and never fails to brighten up the dullest of days.

Unconditional Love:

Beneath Leia's mischievous exterior lies a heart full of love. She showers her family with unwavering loyalty and affection, always ready to offer comfort and companionship. Her snuggles are the best remedy for a bad day, and her presence brings an undeniable warmth to the household.


Leia, the naughty yet adorable Pomeranian, is an embodiment of mischief and cuteness. With her infectious energy, playful antics, and unwavering love, she captures the hearts of everyone she encounters. Despite the occasional chaos she creates, Leia's mischievous nature only adds to her charm. She serves as a reminder that life should be embraced with laughter and joy, and that sometimes, a little bit of naughtiness can make our lives all the more delightful.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

[Videos] Lunch at Gurney Food Hall, Penang Chinese Recreation Club, Quayside Beach Party, etc.

Lunch at Penang Chinese Recreation Club Restaurant depicts the vlogger's hunt for lunch with delicious yet simple meals like 'Sang Choy Pau' or dried scallops, crabs, amongst others, stir-fried with eggs and wrapped in lettuce leaves, seaweed soup with fish balls and 'yee' noodles with crab meat, veggies and braised.

This dish is a whopping $50 due to the crab meat and dried scallops to give a crispy texture in the omellete.

The above is a short video on lunch at Gurney Food Hall with a free soya bean drink for a minimum of $20 purchase, using a maximum of 2 receipts, this in particular promotion recently.

With disco music added from Boney M, a 70s hit, the video is easy to make with the fast pace of beats and rhythm.

If you liked the video above, please give it a thumbs up! I will be delighted, and it will also help me grow my channel. Kindly share this video with your family and friends on social networks.

Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell, so you won't miss out on any of my new videos. Thank you for watching.

The video above was shot at Quayside Condominium year-end beach party. The meals and lucky draw prizes were sponsored, thanks to the savings of the Residents' Committee. It is a way to give back to the residents and to appreciate their monthly contributions for the maintenance, sinking fund, etc. These are the additional charges incurred when staying at a high-rise or condo unit.

The above instagram picture was carefully curated and taken from my account, depicting a 'Happy Sunday' today. Don't you love the pink and purple hues? I concur the flowers are either chrysanthemum or daisy specie.

If you are on Instagram, just swipe left; or click on '>' icon to scroll left for more pictures. They were taken at Queens Waterfront side walk, facing Jerejak Island. It was a lovely day and the blue skies were dotted with white cumulus clouds on a fine weather. Hence, I took the opportunity to snap more photos for posterity and down memory lane.

Ok, that's it for this week's post. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

[Videos] Car Tires Replacement Service in Penang, Western Food, Mooncakes, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, etc.

This video showcases the vlogger's hunt for the Best Car Tyres Replacement Service in Penang. Check it out. 💥💦💖

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Now is the time to savor moon cakes that come in intricately designed boxes for 2 pieces or 4 pieces of moon cakes purchase. In the above video, I was having take-away and dined at Little Nonya, Queensbay Mall. Then it was time for some moon cakes shopping. Here in Penang, there is no free sampling, unlike those in Singapore.

Wikipedia defines The Mid-Autumn Festival, (simplified Chinese: 中秋节; traditional Chinese: 中秋節), also known as Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated by China and many East and Southeast Asian people under the influence of China. It is the second-most important holiday after Chinese New Year with a history dating back over 3,000 years, when the Emperor of China worshipped the moon for bountiful harvests.

Above is a group of pictures taken from my Instagram of still photos and a short video combined. See my moon cakes hunting for the perfect box and delicious moon cakes of nuts and lotus seed with less sugar and without egg yolk, for fewer calories.

In today's Saturday's blessings, "May you have a day full of God's love and blessings." As today is a weekend, I can rest and write this blog post.

For the above Saturday's instagram pictures, here's to wishing you "Happy Saturday Blessings - May the Sweetness of God's Grace touch and bless you in a special way."

That's it for this week's post. Stay safe, stay healthy and most of all, stay HAPPY!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

[Videos] First Dose of Pfizer Vaccine, 20 Ways to Make Money from Your Own Computer, etc.

Finally, I had my first dose of vaccination via MySejahtera App 2 days ago and had the first jab on 29th July 2021 at KPJ Hospital in Bander Perda, Butterworth. KPJ is the acronym for Kumpulan Perubatan Johor.

This hospital in Bander Perda looks modern with glass door and entrance, like a squash court. Inside was a conducive ambiance, with a bakkery, pharmacy, and various rooms. It is more modern than most older private hospitals on Penang Island, except for Gleneagles Hospital, which is owned by a Singapore company.

Excuse my hoarse voice. The above is a pitch done as an exercise for Vince Tan's Mind Control masterclass using my e-book entitled, '20 Wonderful Ways to Make Money Online from Your Own Computer.'

Check it out and bear with my voice for a while. I think it's sexy.

Above is a simple Instagram Sunday Good Morning picture of a bouquet of flower.

Don't you find the above purple pink roses and white chrysanthenums attractive? I love this stunning picture by the way, and decided to post it here. Anyway, stay safe, and stay happy and healthy. That's it for this week's post.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Feeling Nostalgic Selling our old Mercedes S280 Auto, Faith Comes by Hearing, etc.

Feeling nostalgic after years of using and driving this marque. Sold it for a bargain and cannot afford to maintain it anymore. The engine is dead since did not drive from the time MCO started in Malaysia and it was used for long-distance hauls from Penang to Kuala Lumpur and back.

Goodbye my car, and hope it will find a good owner.

For more details, check out >> https://bizinfo123.com/faith-comes-by-hearing/

See the pictures from my Instagram posts below:

Love the picture above with some humor. But it is very pertinent to digest the information.

For nothing is impossible with God - Luke 1:37

Below is another important one that you should remember if you had experience it.

Never forget who ignored you when you needed them, and who helped you before you even had to ask for it.

[Videos] Preserving Heritage: Unveiling Mum's Secret Nonya Recipes, Exploring the Rich Cultural Tapestry of Sarawak's Diverse Tribes.

Join us as we unveil Mum's secret Nonya recipes passed down through generations. Taste the flavors of traditional Nonya cuisine in thi...