The video was captured by me during a year-end party in Quayside Condo in 2019. The upbeat music certainly keeps us condo residents entertained with sequined dresses, ostrich feathers and more. The 70s hair was done nicely to fit into that era. The performers were pretty, slim and sexy too. Well, they did their best to entertain us with high expectations and no less. This was taken after our buffet dinner of mains, turkey, desserts, drinks, ice-cream, satay, fried 'koay teow,' etc.
Also, the dancers changed their colorful costumes belting different numbers each time they come on stage. It lasted till midnight or so, but we went back after the lucky draw prizes were announced. Some of the Caucasian residents danced to the beat and stayed up late till the end. In the meantime, enjoy my simple video shot using my iPhone X.